
10 Day Dogsledtour to Treriksröset


per person

A longer dogsled tour, that takes you to the border of Sweden, Norway and Finland!

On our 10-day long dogsled tour you travel to areas where the winter lasts seven months a year. The starting point of the tour is our kennel in Kauppinen. We head out through more inhabited areas, still in the lowlands. Gradually, the landscape changes from forest areas to the treeless region, gets more and more remote, before reaching the vast wilderness area in Sweden´s most northern region.

This tour takes you to Treriksröset, the point, where the borders of Sweden, Finland and Norway meet. The area we travel on remote trails on a tundra and mountain landscape along the Norwegian border, far away from the more frequented routes closer to Kiruna. Being in this area increases the chances of seeing different type of wildlife. This is reindeer territory and with a bit of luck we can see traces of wolverines or even see them darting in front of the sled.

During 8 days of dog sledding you will get to know your team of dogs pretty well and get a good idea about sled dogs and how it is to work and live with them.

Every participant drives his own team of 5 or 6 Alaskan Huskies. Every day we will work together taking care of the dogs and putting up or breaking the camp. In the mornings the dogs are wild with excitement, ready to go, but turn silent as soon as they start running. Please note that all the food, dog food and necessary equipment needs to be carried in the sleds. In heavy conditions and on uphill parts the dogs will need your help to move the sled forward. This is all about working together as a team between you and your dogs. The speed we travel at, depends very much on the weather and trail conditions.

The camps and cabins that are used for the overnights during the dog sledding days, have no running water or electricity. Wood provides the warmth, candles the light and water fetched from a nearby creek or lake. Dinner is cooked on gas or wood stoves, lunch is normally prepared outside along the trail. Most of the cabins have a wood heated sauna, which serves as washing facility or for relaxation in the evenings. Additional facilities are the obligatory outhouse. Please note, that there is no mobile phone reception on this tour, except for the first day of traveling.

10 days
age 16+ Age
  • Departure
    13th - 22nd of April 2025
  • Departure Time
    all necessary transfers - additional winter clothing (overall, hat, mittens, winter boots) - sleeping bag - full board - 2 overnight stays at guest houses - 7 overnight stays at wilderness cabins
  • Return Time
    Please check our FAQs - you will find a list of items, which you should bring for your tour Please check our FAQs - you will find a list of items, which you should bring for your tour
  • Dress Code
    min. 2 participants - max. 6 participants

Day 1

Arrival to Kiruna – On of our staff members picks you up at the airport, train or bus station or hotel in Kiruna and brings you to our home base Musher's Lodge. Here you get equipped with some extra winter clothing (overall, hat, mittens, winter boots) and your guide outlines the tour for you. Dinner and the overnight are at our guesthouse in Kauppinen.

Day 2

In the morning your guide will give you instructions in how to drive and handle your team of dogs. After packing up the sleds, the tour starts. The route on the first day leads north west from Kauppinen to Vieksalahti. This is an about 30 km ride. The night we spend in a rustic cabin in Vieksalahti. The relatively short distance on this first day, gives you enough time, to get used to the "camp routines", which will be the same every day. Warm up the cabin, fetch water from creeks or lakes, prepare dogfood, feed the dogs, etc... There is always quite a lot to do in the afternoons and evenings. A wood heated sauna is available at this cabin. The trail leads partly through forest and swamp areas, but also to a great extend over the big Torneriver. This makes it a fairly easy first day when it comes to driving skills and gives you the opportunity to get used to the sled.

Day 3

From Vieksalaht the route continues north west towards the Norwegian border, to a small accumulation of cabins at the lake called Kamasjaure. The cabins at Kamasjaure are normaly used by the Sami people, when they are gathering their reindeers in the mountain regions and marking the new calves. This day, we travel on remote trails, first through a small nature reserve, still in the forest lands. Afterwards, crossing two big lakes and finally climbing up above the timberline. The terrain gets more and more hilly as we get closer to the mountain range along the borderline. The distance is about 64 km and the cabin we spend the night in is a tiny mountain cabin, right beside the lake. Due to the rather long distance and the unpredictable trail conditions, this day can be quite demanding.

Day 4

The third day on the trail is a short day, when it comes to distance. It is a 35 km ride from Kamasjaure to Rostojaure. The route is hilly, but not too demanding, although this always depends a lot on the weather and trail conditions. The camp is a fishing camp, with several cabins located along a the huge lake Rostojaure. Partly, the lake is across the Norwegian border, partly it is in Sweden. The screnary is beautiful, as you have an open view on the surrounding mountains. The camp has a wood heated sauna, where it is possible to take a shower in the evening.

Day 5

Pältsa is Sweden´s most northern range. The Pältsa mountain cabin was used as a base for the resistance movement during WW II. It is located on the Nordkalottleden hiking trail, 15 km south of Treriksröset. The distance between Rostojaure and Pältsa mountain cabin is about 45 km.

Day 6

From Pältsa it is a beautiful, but not easy day trip up to Treriksröset. It is a quite steep climb for the first 5 km, following the Nordkalottleden trail and further steep ups and downs until we cross the border to Norway and Finland at Treriksröset. Several steep climbs on the way back, of course! We spend another night at the Pältsa mountain cabin.

Day 7

On this day we return our steps back to Rostojaure and start the journey home. Overnight at Rostojaure.

Day 8

From Rostojaure the route continues south along the Norwegian border. The distance travelled on this day is about 35 km and the night we spend again in a little cabin right beside the lake Kamasjaure. The cabin is again basic, but beautifully located.

Day 9

On this day we leave the tundra area. After about 20km we reach the forest area along the Torneriver valley. We will sled to the small settlement of Kattuvuoma, after which we reach the huge lake Torneträsk, close to the Norwegian border. Crossing this big lake gives us a nice opportunity to reflect on the long tour we did. At the end of the lake, at Torneträsk, we will end the tour. A beautiful location, to end a great tour, as the last view from the lake up to the mountains is stunning. In Torneträsk we get picked up, load all the dogs and equipment into the car trailers and return back by car to Kauppinen. The drive takes about one hour. The distance of dog sledding on this day is about 40km. The overnight stay is at our guesthouse in Kauppinen.

Day 10

Departure day. After breakfast and saying goodbye to your dog team, one of the staff members takes you back to Kiruna airport, train or bus station or hotel where you are staying.